Friday, October 22, 2010

Six More Years For Ellen!

I have not seen so many people in a rush to snatch power from our first woman president as I am seeing now. Men have ruined or don't little for Liberia for the past 155 years. After 14 years of a devastating civil war that benefited men again in all sort of ways, they are clamoring to take power again. I can't stand it:

The Oldma was elected in a democratic process to run the country. She brought in people to help build their own nation after years of devastation.Most of those she brought in began to get wide eyes and slippery fingers. They began misappropriating and doing despicable things, contrary to honest behavior. People who have been there before and did absolutely nothing tangible are the ones who are most critical of the Oldma's government. I remember how even the rugs in the capitol building in Monrovia were ripped away as the interim government made way for a newly elected government.

All in all and for the last five years, I believe that Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has done well. Besides Liberians killing their fellow Liberians for land and for theft, her government has the best human rights record since 1980. Freedom to say what you want has never been so telerated. Economically, things have been tough globally, even for first world countries. We see the concerns right here in America where well qualified people can hardly find employment.

As the global economic situation improves and as companies get settled down in Liberia, Liberians will definitely get employed and see their country advance.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has begun to build the foundation necessary to rid our country of its deadest plague...corruption. Liberians cannot afford to change dogs in the middle of a good hunt. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf must lead the charge to build for our future a sound and solid foundation. The first woman president of Liberia must be given the chance in the next six years to finish what she started. After the foundation is laid and the structure put up and the roof is in place, we can then allow others to come in to set the furniture right or damage everything and start again from scratch

And to those who are skeptical of everything in Liberia and about what the president has not done, it is important to be mindful of why God had to say what He said in Genesis 12:3. Out of the 163 years of its existence, men have had the chance to run the government of Liberia for about 155 of those years. See where the country and its people were after those years.

So what's the big hurry or this great rush to get rid of this, our first female President?