Friday, April 19, 2013

For 165 years, Liberians continue to struggle to find their footing in nearly everything they try. The fourteen-year war did not move the needle one bit toward meaningful progress. We remain a poor people, a rich nation, and we continue to embrace a corrupt leadership. Our halls of power are occupied by mostly those who hurt us and destroyed our nation. The Bible is talking to me here, and I am bellowing the message:

Each morning, I get a popup of Bible verses on my phone. This is what popped up this morning:
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. - Isaiah 55: 6-7
Why are some Liberians mesmerized by and obscessed with the TRC Report? Why are they consistently in the business of calling for the implementation of what the report dictates?
It is clear from my understanding of the passages above that man is not the one to pardon the wicked ones. Man is not clothed with that ability to give mercy and have mercy upon the unrighteous.
And that is why God has given the wicked the unconditional chance to turn to Him for abundant pardon and to serve Him. In other words, those who were responsible for the carnage in Liberia should be serving God instead, and not mingling with their victims in the corridors of power.
"You kill my pa, you kill my ma, I will vote for you", is not a call of forgiveness. It's a call of a desperate, depressed and lamenting people to God to rid their nation of those who rained evil, death, and destruction upon a peaceful people. 
2014 and 2017 should be defining moments in the history of elections in Liberia: Anyone who has had a hand in the carnage and mayhem; in terrorist acts, that were experienced by the nation and its people, during the period of fourteen years, should not be voted into office.
This idea should be the battle cry of the future, if the people of Liberia are to ever be successfully responsible for their own destiny; if the people of Liberia are ever to divorce themselves from corruption, lack of roads, water, electricity, and good healthcare.
Liberians will be willing to accept the construction of thousands of churches that will entertain and accommodate the wicked and unrighteous in our society. Those churches and mosques are where our killers and collaborators divinely belong. And with the pillaging currently going on, God/Allah will, as He promised, take exceptional care of them.
It is time that the Cains of Liberia take cue from General Butt Naked and live a normal life in Jesus Christ , the Savior of the wicked and unrighteous.
All the analyses and historical perspectives will continue to waste our time if the main bogeymen amongst us are not unsnapped from our backs.
Humans have not the power to give genuine mercy and pardon to any of their wicked and unrighteous kind.