Friday, October 5, 2007

The Person and the thought

My Name is Cooper Kweme. For some unknown reason, I find writing to be my new phenomenon. This passion started very late in my life. Nevertheless, I am enjoying the fun and I hope that those who read what I write will also find something worthwhile to punder about.

Some of what I write may be considered extremely controversial. Some of the writings may plug feathers into my hat. All in all, I think, this is what it is all about.

I have wrtten a lot. Some of my past writings will be posted here for all to read. They will include letters to the editors and thoughts that overwhelm me as I travel around the globe of life.

I strongly think it is ok for anyone who is literate to write his or her story of life. Keeping what's in your heart a secret will only help to degenerate the longevity that you would otherwise enjoy had you taken the other route.

Let me see what happens as I post this premier blog.

1 comment:

My Son In America said...

Why hasn'this blog site been published. Don't you feel confident that what you write may or may not be accepted by the general public?

Make your blog site a public domain. It is the right move to take.

Kweme, CL