Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Changes Via The Democratic Process

Nathaniel Gbessagee and Patrick Sie-Nimely Tuon are advocating that the next president of Liberia in the 2011 presidential election be a "pure native" person with a "pure-native" name. That does not sit well with me:

Are you, Nathaniel Gbessagee, in your right mind, ready to deny what you read in those colorized quotes? Am I not entitled to the way I saw and continue to see things, as you have always said dialogues should be?

The changes you and your cohorts are craving for; the second chance for a "country" president that you are dreaming of will come, but they must come through a democratically induced process, void of sinister designs and desperate insinuations. For the future tells me that the next evil design after the first fulfillment is the notion of a "pure" marriage. A proposal to ban inter-tribal and inter-sectional marriages will be the next on the agenda. Who in the world knows what else is buried under those sleeves of confused machinations?

It is scary how some people come to America, get educated, enjoy freedom to say and advocate anything their minds desire, and yet go back to Liberia with the sole purpose of destabilizing the minds of our people. I despise this group and will not sit supinely by and give any credence to its evil and inflammatory thoughts.

This ends my participation in this no-head- no-tail, unending diatribe.

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