Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting Rid Of The Unrepentant Ones

Frontpageafrica, the online news medium, published a series of emails written by friends of the President of Liberia. These emails are extremely heart-breaking and show that no matter how many people died because of the evil committed by those who ruled our country of Liberia, there are many alive who find no reason to change for the better of the country. Everything that went wrong continues to go wrong...and there is no end to our nightmare. Read why I am sickened at heart:

"Kesselly father founded our party he is now deceased. He is a little boy from america he is hungry and desperate so trust me. He will do what we say. I think you should start him of with two thousand we don't want him to get greedy yet. The only problem now is the gratuity promisecd. How soon can the funds be put in the account ? Ellen has promised that LISCR will get the deal but only on the basis if the transfer is made to the account. Please advise she is depending on me and I don't have enough preliminary information to give her."

After reading the Exclusive on Frontpageafrica of the many emails from people associated with the president of Liberia, a feeling of sadness and helplessness came over me. The email that said that the president has to pretend to be transparent because it is all a show off, breaks my heart. A lot of questions, like waves of mad ocean water began to splash on my consciousness. I began to wonder what else could be done for Liberia to be free; what else must happen before certain people will stop doing the same thing over and over and over again. What will it take, I continuously wonder, for some people to learn from the mistakes of the past.

The quoted email above is a sad, sad thing to read. The young people of Liberia are bent on changing the way things have been..the way every government of Liberia we can think of has operated; the John Morlus of Liberia want to see change, but the Willis Knuckles of Liberia will never let it happen. Remember how Harry Greaves was very vocal about the mindset of John Morlu when Morlu said that the Ellen government was three times more corrupt than the previous government? How will Liberia ever be developed? When will the 468,000 people of Nimba County ever get to benefit from the Liberia they are part of? When will the 67,000 people of River Gee every get a new court house or paved roads in their county?

What was the purpose of the civil war? What was the purpose of April 12, 1980? What was the purpose of the Accra Peace Accord? Rampant corruption was the battle cry of the 80s. Yet, corrupt practices gained a lot of weight in those ten years that Samuel Doe was the man. The Accra Peace Accord gave war lords and their associates, who did not benefit from twelve years of rule by Charles Taylor, a chance to grab their own before an elected government came into play. In three years, that group of war lords and associates was known as the most corrupt in the history of Liberia.

I am amazed that people who have been disgraced; people who by the grace of God are still alive to tell the story; I am amazed that after 14 years of civil war and 133 years of inequality; I am dumbfounded beyond belief that after all of these great events that are so fresh in the minds of Liberians, that the sons and daughters will forget so easily and continue to do things that 13 Liberians were crucified for in 1980. I thought the ultimate sacrifices of those who died in 1980, in 1990 and the 250,000 or more who perish in 14 years would serve as springboards for progress and love of the country and the balance survivors.

The emails from the PR men and other close associates of the President of Liberia and published by FrontPageAfrica, are all wake-up calls that Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf needs to clean house and disconnect herself from these people. These people who think that the president of Liberia is a showoff, preaching one thing and doing something else; these people who think that the president is also a Trojan horse....these people will bring you down disgracefully, Madam President.

What else can FrontPageAfrica do to help the government of Liberia? What else can the embedded "Anti-corruption Monsters" do to help EJS see the light? The President mandated the people of Liberia to expose corrupt activities and cold-water emails. The people are responding gradually. It's time to act to remove these stooges, evil vampires and bribe-taking individuals who are obviously bent on taking Liberia through another century of poverty and zero development. It is time for something drastic to happen, Madam President; and that something must begin to happen now!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Eliminating A Political Trojan Horse

Harry Greaves, the untouchable fellow who works as Managing Director of LPRC in Liberia has said and continues say things that are very offensive to many people. A released email by this man is causing a buzz and I could not wait to give some solace to all of us:

“This Sieh man has escalated his rhetoric and is now challenging our future. Despite what he said in conversation yesterday, it is clear that he is a Trojan horse with a mission and I am so mad at all of us because it is so easy to get rid of that country boy.”

Harry A.Greaves, Jr., CPA
Managing Director
Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC

t is apparent that getting rid of a "Trojan Horse" is no longer a mission for the many plotters of evil, for it has become clear that many of those who were considered Trojan horses turned out to be nothing but innocent people who wanted freedom and the same opportunities that were set aside for just a privileged few.

Many of us in the Diaspora are waiting for a dream in which God Almighty will assure us that everything is fine and that we can go home to Liberia without fear of the Herods of our day.In Matthews 2:13-15 the Christ child was to return to his own country only after the death of King Herod, the man who was bent on killing the Savior of the world. I am not saying that many of us carry the characteristics of Jesus Christ. I am not saying that we even come close to being Christ like. What I am saying is that Almighty God works in such mysterious ways that the email above from Kwi-man, civilized-man Harry Greaves couldn't have come out without the handiwork of God Himself.

It is just impossible for the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf government to succeed in Liberia if her views about progress in this worn-torn country is diametrically different from that of her foot soldiers. Corruption, which has been called enemy number one, will not be eliminated as long as these "civilized boys" continue to threaten those who continuously put their feet to the fire.

Talking about a Trojan horse: In computer science and according to Charles Pfleeger, a Trojan horse is a program that overtly does one thing while covertly doing another. A Trojan horse, in other words, is a special type of virus that spreads its infections from computer to computer.

From administration to administration, Harry Greaves has made headlines. If a Managing Director of a major and lucrative entity in the country has so many stooges and head workers embedded in every agency of government, then who is the real Trojan horse? Who is the carrier of this infectious virus that is bent on eliminating those who are trying day and night to expose such overt and covert activities?

Liberia and its President and people cannot wait to hear and read about this political Code Red worm that is bent on keeping us idling in poverty and disgrace. FrontPageAfrica must not relent in exposing and helping to remove the real Trojan horse from the Liberian society.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth Will Set Us Free

Leaders and distinguished participants in the destruction, one way or the other, of Liberia, are now appearing before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Monrovia. Some of these people who were known for being vicious and inconsiderate in their actions are now weeping bitterly and prostrating themselves before the Liberian people. Some are genuine in their utterances and some same to be keeping the most heinous secrets in the belly of their consciences.

Personally and for most Liberians, the truth told will help all of us to heal 161 years of inequalities, massive corruption and horrendous crimes against the people of Liberia. My gut began to boil; I had to let out some of the steam:

Even though I left Liberia before the carnage that took away the lives of more than 250,000 of our people and the situation that kept me and thousands of others in exile, even though I have nothing to explain to the TRC, there are butterflies flying around in my stomach. There is a feeling of sorrow and empathy for those who have been asked to come and explain their role in the terrible and horrendous things that happened to our country and people. To those who suffered and went through hell as a result of the unspeakable actions of their own people, the feelings I carry are difficult to explain, especially when I know that perpetrators of these heinous acts are still roaming our neighborhoods and sit in every institution in our society.

Never in the history of Liberia have its citizens seen anything like what they are seeing in this 21st century. Never before have Liberians seen those who once reigned over them become so emotional in testifying to what they did or did not do to bring the nation to where it finds itself today. Liberians worldwide are at a point in history where lying or keeping things secret...things that happened to us that have eventually taken us back hundreds of years..trying assiduously to leave some stones unturned, will not work. And that is why I continue to quote John 8:32 to those who are now facing the people they once gave little or no regard to. That is why it is necessary for the truth and the whole truth to be told to the Liberian people and the world. For it is when the whole and genuine truth is told that the people will feel the need to forgive and forget.

I understand that some of the people on the TRC commission were also deeply involved in the story that's being told. I also understand that Clarence Simpson, Jr and Estrada Bernard, men who once prosecuted Henry Fahnbulleh, his family and others, are now in Monrovia and trying to make ends meet and have not been asked to testify before the TRC. No one should be left out. No one is immune from testifying, especially if you were part of the problem. I don't want to believe that it is true that people of the True Whig Party can sleep in peace in a situation like this. I can't believe that any one connected with 133 years of inequality can sit happily and say that all is well with his or her soul.

Someone called me and asked whether I had read the Fahnbulleh testimony. "Did you see how arrogant that man was?," my friend continued. I told my friend that the Fahnbulleh testimony sounded more genuine and credible to me. I even wondered why Bishop Warner did not mentioned in his testimony what Fahnbulleh talked about. I was even unimpressed with the prostration of Oscar Quiah and the lamentation of Chea Cheapo. I felt that the name of God was called too many times during Mr Cheapo's testimony. I hope that both Quiah and Cheapo said everything that was hidden in the recesses of their being. That will help in the healing process.

As we await the testimonies of the others who participated in this dark history of our country, we as a people must see the complexity and overwhelming nature of our situation and resolve to take actions that will unite us and not further divide us. I know there is no explanation anyone can give for keeping a people down for 133 years. I know there are those who think that the administration of President Samuel Doe was the best thing that ever happened to Liberia. I have heard the argument that 250,000 of our people had to die in order for us to be where we are today. Whatever the argument, the average of the sum total is that all Liberians, no matter what part of the country we are from... we are hurt, we are resentful and we are understandably vengeful. Nevertheless, we must begin to chart the course of how we can move on, capturing the beauty of our diversity and focusing on the progress we can all make together for the good of our country.