Monday, April 5, 2010

Keeping our Woman-President for another Term

It is amazing how men have literally over the years done so much damage and evil to the human kind. For 159 years men of all kinds ruled Liberia and there is not much to show for it. The conditions my grandfather witnessed and experienced during his days continue to exist today. Life for most Liberians remains illusive to say the least.

Ellen-Johnson-Sirleaf, the first Liberian female president needs to set a foundation that will change the way things have been done over the years. Six years is not a sufficient time to get this new dawn going. That is why, according to the constitution, she must make use of the twelve years given to set the country up for a more prosperous and equitable future for the 3.4 million inhabitants of Liberia. Hear me below:

I have people at my work place who have worked, retired and have been rehired. Apparently, America hates to see experience go to waste. I like that. I did not always have that feeling, though. Mixing and blending the young with the old is a good thing for Liberia. We don't even have the manpower, yet, those who are supposed to be in Liberia and helping to close the gap, are on these listservs giving instructions and making some unreasonable demands. They incite our people to think of us as "importees."

It is amazing how men are the ones complaining and wanting desperately to kick Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf out of office. For 159 years Liberia and its people have had nothing to boast about from the rule of all these men who have been in power. Now, and all of a sudden, six years of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is a despicable thing to fathom. Men have ruined our country and driven many of us into foreign parts. Liberian men are now the smartest angels in town and they can't wait to once more claim ownership of the country.

If I had my way, Liberia will, for the next 20 or 30 years, have only women presidents. That will give men time to reflect on the damage they have done to the country and allow them to strategize on how to recoup from the stupidity of the past.

The next term of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf will see more young and patriotic men and women in major decision-making areas in government. Her being at the helm of the ship of state of Liberia will be a good thing for the country. The wonderful foundation presently being put into place will be the guiding post for the future of our country.

So for you men who have forgotten so quickly...forgotten how myopic and destructive you've been over the period of 159 long years, I want to say: Shame on you for wanting to snatch away the hope we see in the horizon. You may love the country dearly, but you have demonstrated nothing over the years to win over any positive opinion from many like me.

Like we say in Liberia: If you know what I know, your better move your hand from there! For you have, over the years, squandered ever opportunity handed you on silver platters. You've blown everything out of proportion by using us, killing us, and forcing us out of our country and sending us to places far away from our culture and tradition.

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