Sunday, June 13, 2010

No Rush, My Man!

The buzz on Liberian forums are calls from nearsighted individuals for President Sirleaf to relinquish her position as president of Liberia. These individuals of twisted memories want someone else, for they argue that the government is highly corrupt. 159 years of the rule of men show no major difference in that insatiable desire to pillage and rob our people of their right to enjoy their own country. The buzz is turning the inside of my stomach:

Joseph Jenkins Roberts
Stephen Allen Benson
Daniel B Warner
James S Payne
Edward J Roye....

I was about to talk about all these men who have had the chance to make a difference in the lives of all Liberians. And then I thought: Get some help from the web. I typed a few words in the Google space and got this link:

A country with a coast line of 350 miles and an area covering 43,000 square miles; a country endowed with an abundance of natural resources; a country that has seen Independence for 162 plus years, and a country whose people remain among the poorest in the world.

I could go on talking about the lack of pipe-borne water, medical facilities, paved roads, schools, electricity, etc., etc. According to the info found on the above link, Liberia has had three assassinated presidents and four presidents who resigned. All men!

For 159 long years men of poor vision used Liberia's natural resources to rob and to kill its citizens. I wonder why is it that most of us know these evils that these people have committed against us and yet, we are crying, imploring God to give us another man, even before the term of the first female president has come to an end. It reminds of the plight of the Israelites. They never appreciated what they had. They prayed and begged God to give them a king. King Saul was not easy. He was a wicked King. He hardly knew the God who sent the Prophet Eli to anoint him.

I personally do not see the reason why some of you want to rush another man into the Executive Mansion in Monrovia. Liberians have never had the type of freedom they enjoy today under Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. And those who are caught in the web of unbelievable corruption are of course, men! That insatiable desire to continue to rob the people of their right to be happy in their own country, is engrained in a system put in place and nurtured by again, men of limited vision.

Exposure is a painful thing. It is shameful and degrading. No president of Liberia has had the books of Liberia audited in the manner they are done today. Men of limited vision hate to be audited, yet, they continue to misappropriate and steal funds entrusted into their care. Liberia cannot afford a new group of corrupt individuals rushing to take power. The policies being put into place to bring an end to this evil in the Liberian society, must be given ample time to take hold.

That is why Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and John Morlue, and Kofi Woods, and Konneh and the few other people of vision must remain after 2011 to place and seal that cornerstone on the grave of corrupt activities that our people have known since 1847.

Comparing 12 years of EJS presidency and 159 years of nothing-doing, I will go for the 12 years and be happy about it.

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