Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Raging Fire for Justice in Liberia

Implementation of the TRC Report is picking up some steam, especially now that Charles Taylor is to be sentenced by the International Court of Justice in the Hague, on May 30, 2012. The flame of fire for justice is starting to rage. No stand-by!

The words: Command and Control, will play a major role in the implementation of the TRC, after the Taylor Sentencing on May 30. It is inconceivable and outright buffoonery to believe that the number 250,000 or more will mean absolutely nothing to us Liberians.

Aiding and Abetting are two other words that will take center stage if real peace is to become a reality in Liberia. What will really fan the flame for justice is the knowledge that many, many of those who directly benefit from the spoils of war, from the negotiation perks, high salaries, are not fighting tooth and claw to do away with the evils that started this whole killing spree in the country.

The vicious circle of corruption and poor vision remains in tact. The noise makers of yesteryears are now the carriers of swollen bellies of ineptitude, insensitivity, and greed; hope for most people seems so very far away at the moment.

The people of Liberia around the world must rise up for justice....not with guns and bombs....not with bazookas and grenades....but with simple protests and sit-ins. Liberians have experienced what the guns and bombs are capable of doing. They are hardened in that type of warfare. We cannot afford a further reduction in our numbers.

The new war for justice must be fought with words and sober actions. Justice is delayed and denied only if the victims of injustice are complacent and nonchalant. Liberians need to wake up and act now!

The world is watching and waiting to help. The world is in Liberia!

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