Saturday, June 21, 2014

Changing the Symbols

In the 1800s, tribal people lived on the land now called Liberia; but when the settlers from America arrived and declared the country independent, they showed their disdain for the tribal people by establishing symbols and other artifacts that totally ignored and disregarded the presence of those they met on the land. Today, these symbols and handiwork of those from America are being challenged and calls for change are becoming a pastime. Here is my take:

I like the design of the Seal. It is beautiful. I want the Love of Liberty Brought Us Here to remain as is and to represent all of us...hosts and guests....indigenous settlers as well as settlers from America and those who were captured on slave ships in the Congo basin and the Gulf of Guinea.

I also want the dove on the Seal to be replaced with the Pepper Bird. Liberia's National Bird needs to be given it's rightful place on the Coat of Arms of the Republic. And as I said earlier the Pepper Bird is that special bird in Liberia that wakes us up in the morning to do something worthwhile for society. If over the years we have ignored the call of the Pepper Bird, now is the time for Liberians to wake up and give true meaning to the plough and shovel that are emblazoned on the Seal.,d.b2k&psig=AFQjCNH2sIglv4cQQAouUph1eYqbQZ8Oiw&ust=1403103870000781

The plough and the shovel, as we all know, represent what Liberians need in order to be self sufficient. Our soil is rich. Feeding ourselves should not cause a riot. The palm tree that represents every productive tree in Liberia can give the cash we need to develop the people and the shovel to build infrastructure.

The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here, the plough, the shovel, the palm tree, are as Liberian as Liberian can be. We can keep those.

The Pepper Bird must replace the dove.

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