Friday, July 17, 2009

The Problems We Face As Liberians

Liberians are fighting each other so much on the listservs that I get frustrated at times and know not what to do. To satisfy myself, I jot down a few lines, especially when I see others pumping money into Liberia to help our people:

I don't hear a lot of brouhaha about this kind of thing. I don't even hear people saying, oh, dog, thank you ya for our people.There have been about a billion or so words keyed on these listservs by Liberians since January this year. If all of us who contribute literally to the many topics put forth could decide on a particular pet project that we can all agree on to sponsor in Liberia, I think our yoyo and blah, blah, blah would mean a lot more to the people of Liberia.

Besides other people downgrading us, we ourselves are not good to us. We have all become a confused people, looking for a way out of our national dilemma. Liberians have become their own nightmare. We need some serious international help, from psychiatric help to self-esteem boosting.

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