Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Whinning Against Progress

The President's statement that those who were accused of plotting against the government of Liberia and were found not guilty should, including the judge, go and sin no more, has generated a mild tsunami of criticism. Of course, I had something to say; for those accused had been previously involved in despicable acts against the people of Liberia. I just had to react:

Julu and Dorbor are free to go and to stop hatching sinful activities against the people of Liberia. Likewise, we should stop inciting our people into believing that nothing is going on right after 15 years of brutality.The track record of these brothers from the East has not been as white as white rice. If we all can at least admit this, then we can begin to move forward in a more positive direction.

The sins and wickedness that a man does should always be well documented and put on a pedestal for all to behold. It's time for this one-man-crying-in-the-wilderness-of-normalcy thing to stop, praise God, and move on.

We've read your concerns. Everything will be alright. Read the Ellen interview on Frontpageafrica. She is literally begging us to go home and help make history. Criticizing her every move is tantamount to hatching evil in a society that is trying to move on with life.

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