Sunday, May 18, 2008

Encouraging A Reconciling-Mindset

The Liberian people are a forgiving people. They have been fooled and bamboozled over the years by their own leaders. 15 years of senseless civil war brought untold destruction and unspeakable atrocities upon their existence. There are some out there who want nothing but to hatch more confusion. The dilly-dallying has been continuous. I will not let it go without challenging this divisive war-cry:

I just forgot. What is this thing that is interred in one's bones after death? Is it good or evil?

Majority of the people of Liberia were let down when it came to educational opportunities and other qualities of life. This state of affairs lasted for 133 years.This is no new news. But in 10 years of majority rule (?), the people of Liberia experienced and suffered the most vicious inhumane acts ever. We were fooled and made to believe that the angel on stage was far better off than the devil we had known for years.

That is why all Liberians must see reason to reconcile. All Liberians must preach reconciliation, no matter which camp you belong to. From what we know, and under these circumstances, none of us shall see God; for none of us has a pure heart.

I hate to think that this is an insurmountable undertaking. I hate to think that a few misguided ones will prevail in their assessment of the reality that must be embraced.

I have tried to punish myself by trying to abandon this constant dilly-dallying and vacillation. I just can't. There is something in the catacombs of my mind that continues to remind me of the obligation I have to the people of Liberia...not to allow a few to bamboozle the reconciling-mind set of the most vulnerable in our society.

1 comment:

Sumo Pipe said...

Your wish about Mary Broh has come true.